A family of cats like many others, two parents and two lively kittens, is preparing for the arrival of a new brother, who unfortunately will not arrive.
Going through the stages of mourning with a little effort and encountering emotions and difficulties, parents and kittens will manage not to lose heart, and will learn that the heart is big enough to welcome even those who are no longer there.
THE AUTHOR: Claudia Ravaldi , born in Modena in 1974, works in Prato and Florence where she works as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist . Author of numerous scientific works on the subject of eating disorders, anxiety and depression, for years she has been involved in research and assistance in perinatal bereavement . Following the loss of his second child, in 2006 he founded the CiaoLapo Onlus Association for research, assistance and support for parents in perinatal bereavement. To find out more on the subject, visit the website www.ciaolapo.it
ILLUSTRATOR: Manuela Cappon was born in Venice in 1974, since 1995 she has lived and worked in Florence in her own MMcomunicazione studio . He has created illustrations for over 60 children’s books for Italian and foreign publishing houses. She was selected at the Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2002 and 2009 in the non-fiction section.
All proceeds from the publication of this book (net of legal charges) will be donated to the CiaoLapo Onlus Association