While in other countries the experience of giving birth to a stillborn child has been extensively explored and deepened, in our country the data are not yet sufficient and we have little information on the care of our couples, on the knowledge and applicability of the guidelines. in our hospitals.
The investigation CLASH (CiaoLapo Assessment of Stillbirth’s support in Hospital) aims to take stock of knowledge and opinions of healthcare professionals who work in the perinatal area in our country, in order to identify possible good practices, any critical issues in care and the strengths of the care provided in our facilities.
The study takes place in different regions of Italy, thanks to the work of Irene Lambertini (UNIBO) graduate in Obstetrics and Anna Giulia Tulli, midwife engaged in the postgraduate University Master of the University of Florence.
The conception, design and implementation of the study are carried out under the coordination of Dr. Claudia Ravaldi (psychiatrist and psychotherapist, CiaoLapo) with the collaboration of Prof Alfredo Vannacci (Department of Neuroscience, Drug and Child Health Area, University of Florence) and the supervision of Dr. Angelo Morese , University Lecturer and Trainer.
We ask you to answer this anonymous questionnaire, which takes about 20 minutes of your time, and will be processed with respect for privacy.
- an anamnestic / socio-demographic questionnaire in anonymous form,
- the CLASH checklist , developed by CiaoLapo to deepen the knowledge and appropriateness of the international guidelines on assistance in stillbirth
- two open-ended questions , plus your general comments and observations, if you would like to leave any
We thank you for your precious cooperation.
here is the link