We have been producing Memory Box covers, caps and suckers since 2012: these handiworks are among the most appreciated by parents, who write very often to thank us for this …
Claudia Ravaldi
Claudia Ravaldi
Psichiatra e psicoterapeuta. Nel 1999 si laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia a Firenze, ateneo presso il quale si specializza in Psichiatria nel 2003. Contemporaneamente studia Psicoterapia cognitivo comportamentale presso la scuola Studi Cognitivi di Milano. Successivamente si è perfezionata in psicologia clinica perinatale (Università di Brescia) e in linguaggi narrativi e letteratura per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza (Università di Firenze). Ha un Master Universitario in Disturbi alimentari in età evolutiva (Università di Firenze) e un Master Interuniversitario europeo in Neuroscienze dell’umore (Università di Maastricht, Bristol, Firenze e Tel Aviv). Per dieci anni si è occupata soprattutto di ricerca clinica nel campo dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare e dei disturbi dell’umore, con particolare riferimento all’epoca adolescenziale. Dopo la perdita a fine gravidanza del suo secondo figlio ha fondato e presiede l’Associazione di Promozione Sociale CiaoLapo ETS (www.ciaolapo.it) per la tutela della gravidanza e della salute perinatale e il supporto psicologico ai genitori. Dal 2019 è anche presidente della Fondazione CiaoLapo ETS per la ricerca in ambito perinatale. Oggi si occupa soprattutto di relazione terapeutica, comunicazione e salute, alimentazione consapevole, mindfulness, EMDR, gravidanza e maternità, lutto e salute perinatale. È autrice di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali e internazionali e di 13 libri, tra cui tre fiabe terapeutiche per bambini. È attualmente iscritta al corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze (inter-ateneo Firenze, Pisa, Siena) nell’ambito del quale sta portando avanti progetti sulla salute mentale e sul benessere psicologico in epoca perinatale.
AssociationPerinatal human rightsPerinatal PsychologyTestimonials
The memory box: memories to process perinatal grief
Each has a story. His. Each is a story. His. To tell our story, to face adversity, bitterness, challenges and joys, it is necessary to have a web of memories, …
It is only thanks to the ongoing efforts of our members and donors that year after year, more and more families are receiving appropriate care after perinatal loss, and more …
Life after lossPerinatal Psychology
Mary Shelley reading group – bibliotherapy in perinatal bereavement
Our perinatal bereavement bibliotherapy project turns one year old and becomes a permanent project of our association. Participating is very simple: the group is free for CiaoLapo members and members …
Perinatal human rightsPerinatal Psychology
November 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
“A woman does not forget how she was treated during her pregnancy, at the time of delivery and after her delivery. Never.” November 25 marks the day to oppose and …
Oct. 15 is the central day of the month dedicated to awareness about loss during pregnancy and after birth, and is the final day of the week dedicated to perinatal …
In 2019, during the long process for the Ashoka fellowship, at the end of a very long morning of interviews, I met the founder of Treedom who told us about …
Life after lossPerinatal Psychology
Course on accompanying pregnancies following perinatal bereavement
The accompanying course for pregnancies following perinatal bereavement that reduces stress and promotes responsive parenting for moms and dads-we are waiting for you!
Perinatal Psychology
Psychological intervention during hospitalization in the case of perinatal bereavement
In this article we talk about how important trauma-oriented psychological intervention is during hospitalization in the case of perinatal bereavement. Unfortunately in our country few hospital settings are equipped to …
Grief and childrenPerinatal Psychology
Why talk to our children about traumatic events and how to do it
How to talk about perinatal bereavement (or other trauma) with our children? A small theoretical framework and some practical ideas to keep trust and honesty at the center of the …